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The officers of the Municipal Police Command will work on, assisted by the staff of Publiparking who manages the service after being selected through a public tender. Unauthorized vehicles without pass will be fined.

ZTL of Pompeii: from 1 May, the controls will be more intense. Thanks to positive results recordings during the tolerance period started on 1 March, controls and penalties for offenders will be activated. During these weeks Publiparking srl, selected by the City of Pompeii through a public tender, carried out promotion activities and information on the operation of the so-called Yellow ZTL.
The Yellow ZTL corresponds to the Limited Traffic Zone for long vehicles which exceeds seven meters, and provides the same access rates for all vehicles with these features.
From May 1st, therefore, there will be agents of the Pompeii Municipal Police Command, assisted by Publiparking staff. Unauthorized vehicles without pass will be fined, as provided by the Road Code, and will be subject to a further administrative penalty equal to twice the standard fare.

It is to be noted that the automatic entry into operation of the automatic detection tunnels is expected to take place following the issuance by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of the approval decree for the operation of the structures.

On this site you can find all the information about the detail of the area where vehicle access and traffic are limited to pre-defined hours, rates, discounts, the exemptions, maps to easily access the check-point. You can also pay on the portal and get a discount on the rate.

Some are exempt from the payment, requesting the appropriate pass: buses carrying passengers housed in hotels in the municipal area; Long vehicles belonging to residents or to commercial enterprises with headquarters in Pompeii, without passengers or with a maximum only one person; The vehicles used for the carriage of goods, only if they are directed towards the insistent commercial and industrial activities within the perimeter of Pompeii at the time allowed for loading and unloading goods.

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